Local Funds Custody
The custody service is intended for investment funds or clubs and managed portfolios. It includes physical and financial assets settlement, custody, bookkeeping, and control of events associated therewith, providing an interface with depositary entities.

what we provide
Itaú’s portfolio includes the custody of all manner of fund structures and types, from those governed by CVM Instruction No. 555 to structured funds such as Credit Rights Investment Funds (“Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios” – FIDC), Equity Investment Funds (“Fundos de Investimentos em Participações “ – FIP), Mutual Funds for Emerging Company Investing (“Fundos Mútuos de Investimento em Empresas Emergentes” – FMIEE), Exchange Trade Funds (ETF), or Index Funds, and Real-Estate Investment Funds (“Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário” – FII); as well as Pension Fund, Insurer or Corporate portfolios.
local custody portfolio
what sets us apart
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