We are recognized for our expertise and excellence in the countries where we operate.
Paraguay (coming soon)
Chile (coming soon)
Colombia (coming soon)
a bank that operates where your business needs
Connect Cash allows data centralization, treasury management, customization of reports and other comprehensive services to support your business globally.
Connect Cash is a regional connectivity platform for companies of the Wholesale and Retail segments holding accounts in at least two Itaú units, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and/or Uruguay.
You can access it by clicking here. Just click on “Access.” Please remember to register your company with Connect Cash before accessing it. If you haven't registered your company, but are interested in doing it, get in touch with your officer or leave your email on this page, and our specialized team will get in touch with you.
No, there is no additional cost for using the platform.
Get in touch with your officer or leave your email on this page, and our specialized team will get in touch with you.