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  • POR
  • What is Itaú Unibanco’s Integrity and Ethics Program?

    It is the set of guidelines and processes that aims to ensure compliance with the Itaú Unibanco Code of Ethics and Conduct and the principles and values of the Itaú Unibanco conglomerate. The Integrity and Ethics Program consists of the following dimensions:

    The Board of Directors, by means of the Itaú Unibanco Code of Ethics and Conduct, defines the guidelines of conduct, the postures considered most appropriate and consistent with the values of the organization regarding, for example, professional posture, management of conflicts of interest, relationship with stakeholders and corporate social responsibility. The integrity and ethics collegiate members of the Executive Committee and directors of the bank’s business and support areas define program guidelines and practices, monitor compliance and other actions necessary for program management.

    Includes the preparation and updating of integrity and ethical guidelines of the conglomerate in order to comply with the Itaú Unibanco Code of Ethics and Conduct, applicable law and good practices of national and international market legislation.

    Click here to access the policies of the Itaú Unibanco.

    The education and communication activities on the program contribute to management and employees:
    – Deepen the knowledge of integrity and ethical guidelines as well as their application to business and management processes and people.
    – Be able to identify, prevent and resolve ethical dilemmas, conflicts of interest, interpersonal conflicts and misconduct related to their daily activities.
    – Know the channels of complaint and resolution of doubts.

    Communication and education practices include:
    – Institutional Communication Plan: involves awareness campaigns, announcements on specific topics related to ethics and disclosure of policies and guidelines.
    – Integrity and Ethics Education Program: consists of distance and face-to-face training actions.

    Continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the program and possible needs for adaptation is coordinated by the Corporate Compliance Department with direct involvement of the various areas of the organization and periodic reporting to the Audit and Collegiate Committee dealing with issues related to the integrity and Ethics. This monitoring includes testing processes by Internal Controls and Compliance, monitoring indicators, information of doubts channels and complaints and handling of new regulations that impact the program. Through the results of monitoring are identified needs for adequacy and improvement of the Integrity and Ethics Program. Internal Audit conducts independent annual evaluation of the Integrity and Ethics Program and reporting documents. Evaluation of the Integrity and Ethics Program and possible improvement opportunities may also be carried out by an external auditing, certification or accreditation company.

    All employees, managers, customers, partners, suppliers or anyone else may report, without the need to identify, suspect or violate the Itaú Unibanco Code of Ethics and Conduct. They may also report evidence of unlawful acts of any kind related to the activities of the Conglomerate, ensuring anonymity to those who wish, confidential treatment and protection of the whistleblower’s identity. The channels of manifestation ascertain timely, independence, impartiality and confidentiality the communications received and keep a record of the identified situations, findings and decisions adopted.

    Click here to access the Itaú Unibanco manifestation and denunciation channel.

    Click here to access the policies of the Itaú Unibanco.